Dental & Eye Care

Dental Care

You are advised to visit a Dentist regularly at least once a year.

Genix Healthcare have a space in our building, but operate their own practice list and appointments – for more info please visit Blackpool – Genix Healthcare.

The following Patients may be exempt from payment:

  • Pregnant mothers up until the baby is one year old,
  • Children and young adults up to 18 years of age or up to 19 if in full-time education,
  • Patients receiving income support or family credit,
  • University students can apply for an exemption certificate every six months.

Optician – Sight testing

You are advised to have your vision checked every 12 to 18 months.

Children and Patients with either diabetes or glaucoma should be tested every six months.

To find an Optician in your local area please visit: Find an Optician – NHS

The following Patients may be exempt from payment:

  • Those with diabetes or glaucoma and anyone over the age of 40 who is related to a Patient with glaucoma,
  • Patients wearing complex lenses,
  • Partially sighted or registered blind,
  • Children and young adults up to the age of 16 years of age or if in full-time education (students over 19 can apply for an exemption certificate),
  • Those receiving income support or family credit.